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Revolutionising cancer diagnostics: Innovations in testing

Article-Revolutionising cancer diagnostics: Innovations in testing

CanvaPro Cancer diagnostics
Three cancer tests that are changing the landscape of early detection.

Cancer testing and diagnostics are evolving at an unprecedented pace, ushering in a new era of innovation that transcends conventional methods. Accelerated by artificial intelligence, gene analysis, and stem cell therapies, these tests are not just detecting but reshaping the narrative of early cancer identification. Here is a look at three cancer tests that are changing the landscape of early detection:

AI-powered tests

Detectiome, a precision medicine company based in the UAE, launched the Multicancer Early Detection (MCED) test, known as Revonco. Designed for the Middle Eastern population, Revonco uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide accurate, efficient, and personalised cancer care solutions.

Currently available for research use only (RUO), Detectiome plans to use the test in clinical trials and pilot studies before registering it with the UAE's Ministry of Health and Prevention to be approved for public use. Revonco leverages generative AI and multiomics, an approach that combines and analyses several fields of study including genomics, epigenomics, and transcriptomics, to detect multiple types of cancers at their earliest stages, even before symptoms manifest.

The early detection capability can enhance treatment outcomes and raise the survival rates of cancer patients across the region.

Detectiome’s Revonco MCED test is optimised for the Middle Eastern population’s genetic diversity, avoiding limitations and biases associated with using data from Western populations for non-Western ethnicities.

Related: AI leads the way in advancing early disease detection

When used in the Middle East, a product designed for the genetic population of the United States and the European Union can be up to two times less effective. Such conditions necessitate the development of solutions targeted to distinct genetic populations to provide quality healthcare.

The emphasis on Middle Eastern genetic data assists Revonco's AI model in identifying various forms of tumours in their earliest stages, moving the burden of cancer from the late stage to the early stage and potentially boosting patient survival rates.

Gene Analysis

The Bioscience Institute's HELIXAFE prevention program offers an in-depth analysis of gene mutations, acquired and inherited, anticipating early detection in individuals with no clinical symptoms. HELIXAFE considers factors contributing to acquired mutations, providing a comprehensive understanding of cancer risks.

HELIXBALANCE, a companion solution, investigates risk factors beyond breast cancer, extending its reach to ovarian, lung, colon, and prostate cancers. A simple blood collection leads to results within three weeks, triggering the development of chemo-preventive therapy for positive results.

Related: Tech advancements improve breast cancer prognosis and diagnosis

Newborn stem cells

CellSave Arabia champions the use of newborn stem cells, particularly cord blood, rich in stem cells. This resource proves valuable for various medical treatments, including cancer and blood-related disorders.

Stem cell therapies, with a track record spanning over 30 years, continue to evolve, offering hope to patients and their families. Over 350,000 families worldwide have chosen to store their newborn's stem cells with CellSave, providing a powerful resource against potential future injuries and diseases.

Stem cell treatments encompass a spectrum of disorders, including acute and chronic leukemia, high-risk solid tumours, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and myelodysplastic syndromes. The evolving landscape of stem cell treatments positions them as a cornerstone in the pursuit of effective and innovative cancer care.

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