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Webinars and Reports

Antimicrobial Resistance: Innovations to Improve Detection and Prevention

Webinar-Antimicrobial Resistance: Innovations to Improve Detection and Prevention

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Learn more about new antimicrobial pathogen threat assessments, new antimicrobial agents, and the clinical impact of rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

This webinar reviews new antimicrobial pathogen threat assessments, new antimicrobial agents, the clinical impact of rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing and technology that could deliver new infection prevention strategies.

Learning Objectives

•List changes to the CDC and WHO priority pathogens lists.

•Describe the activity of new antimicrobial agents

•Explain the clinical impact of rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing

•Summarize technological advancements that can lead to new infection prevention strategies


Jean B. Patel, PhD, D (ABMM), Principal Scientific Affairs, Beckman Coulter- Microbiology

Dr. Patel joined Beckman Coulter Microbiology after nearly seventeen years atthe Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the Antimicrobial Resistance Reference Laboratory and the Office of Antimicrobial Resistance. Prior to that, she was the Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and the Assistant Director of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Moderator: Zakaria Hadha, Microbiology Product Manager, Beckman Coulter Diagnostics - Middle East & Africa

Zakaria Hadha is currently the Microbiology Product Manager for Beckman Coulter Middle East & Africa. Zakaria holds a M.Sc. In Microbiology and Bio-Engineering from the University of Sciences and Technics in Mohammedia-Morocco. He received his Master’s degree in Marketing and Business Development from the National School of Business and Management, Settat. Before joining Beckman Coulter, Zakaria worked in the National Institute of Hygiene, Agro-food Laboratory, where he collaborated in several research projects.