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Daily Dose

Informa Markets launches Omnia Health Insights

Article-Informa Markets launches Omnia Health Insights

Omnia Health Insights.jpg
Omnia Health Insights will bring the latest content, products and services to you, all on one screen.

A quick look around any public venue these days reveals that many of us are glued to the phone. These days disruption is the norm, from mobile messaging to social media. We, too, are changing with the times. Our new digital platform Omnia Health Insights will bring the latest content, products and services to you, all on one screen, meaning that you can browse the latest buzzing in the healthcare industry and the key players involved – wherever you happen to be.

Whether it’s an opinion piece from a healthcare thought leader or a news update on one of the many technological advancements impacting the industry, our platform will have information that informs and inspires. And of course, it’s not just text. We will feature video, infographics and other formats to engage your interest.

Perhaps an article will delight you – or perhaps it will irk you. Either way, you will have an opportunity to comment directly, so that your opinion is shared with others.

Which brings us to our next point. While we speak of a platform, we prefer to think of ourselves as a community.

As such, we encourage you to collaborate with us in creating compelling content that meets the needs of healthcare audiences. We have insights and analytics at our disposal so that any storytelling is informed by data.

Omnia Health Insights will complement the digital Omnia Health Global Medical Directory ( that features products from leading healthcare companies from around the world. We are on the path to becoming a powerful business intelligence tool that will support all stakeholders in the healthcare industry grow.

And lastly, while we appreciate you will have a busy schedule this week, we encourage you to visit our platform and let us know your views!

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