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Diabetes management during COVID-19

Article-Diabetes management during COVID-19

People with diabetes and related comorbidities are at a higher risk of complications from COVID-19

Recently, Boehringer Ingelheim held a regional webinar titled ‘Managing Type 2 Diabetes during COVID-19’ with the participation of leading healthcare professionals who provided the latest updates on type 2 diabetes (T2D) management during the pandemic. The event formed part of the ‘Regional Interchange on Diabetes’ (e-RID) internationally accredited digital programme, organised by Boehringer Ingelheim, targeting more than 5,000 international and regional healthcare professionals in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa region. By hosting prominent international experts from the U.S., Canada and UK, the scientific programme aims at exchanging experiences and practices in managing type 2 diabetes and its complications during COVID-19.

Reportedly, 39 million people are currently living with diabetes in the Middle East and North Africa, and it is estimated that by 2045, around 82 million people will have the condition, according to the International Diabetes Federation. With diabetes being reported as a risk factor for the severity of COVID-19, patients are being encouraged to take precautions to avoid contracting the virus, such as washing hands thoroughly and regularly, cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched frequently, and avoiding contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing.

Effective diabetes management

Patients living with T2D need to pay extra attention to their glucose levels and monitor them regularly to avoid complications caused by high or low blood glucose levels. Should they display flu-like symptoms, it is vital they consult with a physician immediately for medical support.

“At a time where the world is focused on COVID-19, it is crucial to highlight the diseases affecting the lives of so many patients in our region such as Type 2 Diabetes. We felt committed to providing patients living with T2D, their caregivers and the wider healthcare community credible sources of information related to diabetes management and necessary precautions during the pandemic,” said Mohammed Al-Tawil, Regional Managing Director and Head of Human Pharma at Boehringer Ingelheim.

“People with diabetes and related comorbidities are at a higher risk of complications from COVID-19. In fact, 40 per cent of COVID-19 mortality cases in the UAE and Kuwait as announced had diabetes. It is, therefore, imperative that we educate patients on diabetes self-management and comorbidities at this time,” explained Dr. Mohammed Hassanein, Senior Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes at Dubai Hospital. “Patients living with uncontrolled T2D face a higher risk of contracting the virus than patients living with controlled T2D. Our priority is, therefore, to ensure effective type 2 diabetes control at this critical time.”

During the event, Dr. Paola Atallah, Specialist Endocrinologist at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center in Lebanon, focused on medical tips and guidance for patients planning to return to work during COVID-19. “Stress levels and disruptions to diet and physical activity throughout COVID-19 could contribute to worsening outcomes for patients with T2D. It is, therefore, essential that patients regularly follow up with their doctors virtually, maintain a healthy diet and fitness routine, stock up on medical supplies, and have an emergency contact on speed dial in case of dire situations,” she explained.

Dr. Atallah also advised people living with diabetes across the region to continue working remotely and to try to minimise contact with those outside their households: “If patients absolutely have to go back to work, I encourage them to make sure they follow strict social distancing measures, wash their hands frequently, and avoid touching their faces.”

Reducing cardiovascular risk

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the number one killer of people with type 2 diabetes, accounting for around 52 per cent of type 2 diabetes patients worldwide. Diabetes is a known risk factor for CVD, so are conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity, all commonly seen in people with diabetes. Collectively, this means that the risk of death due to CVD is up to four times higher in people diagnosed with T2D.

Reducing cardiovascular risk is an essential component of diabetes management, therefore patients are encouraged to educate themselves on how to modify cardiovascular risk factors in order to benefit from the best chance at improving their CVD outcomes. A patient-centric and holistic approach are needed to guide the choice of pharmacologic agents used in patients diagnosed with T2D due to the chronic nature of the disease. Considerations include efficacy, hypoglycaemia risk, history of CVD, impact on weight, potential side effects, renal effects, delivery method, cost, and patient preferences.

TAGS: Diabetes
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